Press: World Brand Design Feature

New Century Design featured on the esteemed World Brand Design blog.

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August 21, 2024

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We are proud to have our branding and packaging design work for RocketGro featured on the World Brand Design blog.

RocketGro is a Somerset-based compost manufacturer founded in 2021. The company produces organic and peat-free compost from a nutrient-rich by-product of renewable energy production. Their innovative approach not only provides a sustainable solution for gardeners but also contributes to waste reduction and the promotion of green energy. By utilising by-products that would otherwise be discarded, RocketGro transforms them into high-quality compost, enriching soil health and supporting eco-friendly gardening practices.

We worked with the team at RocketGro to create a brand identity that positions them as a green and environmentally friendly compost option. In our endeavour to establish RocketGro’s unique identity, we drew inspiration from vintage packaging designs, infusing a sense of nostalgia and authenticity into the brand. The result is a comprehensive identity that speaks to the wholesome values of RocketGro.

Read the feature here.

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