How to brand a cathedral

Creating a brand for a cathedral or place of worship involves conveying the essence of the institution, its values, and its significance to its community and beyond. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a brand for a cathedral or place of worship.

Written By:

George Atherton

August 21, 2024

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In the world of graphic design, few projects are as rewarding and challenging as creating a brand identity for a cathedral and cultural institution. These historic landmarks are not just buildings; they are symbols of faith, culture, and heritage, deeply ingrained in the hearts of communities and visitors alike. Creating a brand for a cathedral or any place of worship requires a delicate balance between tradition, spirituality, and community engagement, whilst also thinking about creating an identity for modern times. Any successful brand identity should reflect the values, beliefs and unique characteristics of the institution whilst also appealing to a diverse audience.

Brand Discovery - Your Brand Story

Firstly, it’s essential to delve deep into the history and significance of the cathedral or place of worship. Understanding its architectural style, religious affiliations, and cultural heritage lays the foundation for the brand’s identity, its history, and future. This historical exploration forms the cornerstone of the brand, serving as a reminder of the institution’s enduring presence and timeless values. While rooted in the past, consideration should also be given to how the institution wants to position itself moving forward. In 2024, who does it aim to appeal to? Who is the new target audience? It is important not to rely solely on the cathedral's history but to focus on the future.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is another vital aspect of crafting a compelling brand for a cathedral, place of worship or any cultural institution. These institutions often serve as focal points for social, charitable, and educational activities. Highlighting the cathedral’s involvement in outreach programs, volunteer initiatives, and interfaith dialogue can showcase its commitment to serving humanity and fostering unity amidst diversity. Emphasizing inclusivity and hospitality in the brand’s messaging can also attract newcomers and make them feel welcomed into the fold.

Brand Identity - Stepping Out

When it comes to visual branding and graphic design language, be careful not to fall for clichés or heavily trodden routes such as crosses and other religious iconography. Try something different, less obvious, and step out of your comfort zone.At the heart of the Portsmouth Cathedral project is a logo that draws inspiration from the cathedral's architectural elements such as arches and vaulted ceilings. These lines converge and interlace, forming a tree-like structure that symbolises the connections within the diverse cathedral community. Similarly, when we created the logo for Wells Cathedral, we referenced a pattern painted on the cathedral's vaulted ceiling. Simplicity is key. Try not to overcomplicate designs or visual languages. With colour, try not to conform; don’t choose blue or brown; try something different.

Your Brand Location

Consider your location - your place on the map. What has been your role within your town, city, or village? Provenance plays a huge part in a brand's personality. For example, in our recent project with Portsmouth Cathedral, we focused heavily on the cathedral's locality and rich maritime history. We created a series of graphics and illustrations that depicted the ocean, which accompanied the phrase “The Cathedral of the Sea.”

Ensure Consistency

Most importantly, when it comes to visual communication, consistency is key. Whether you’re broadcasting live on Instagram or writing a monthly newsletter, ensure that you follow your brand guidelines. Consistency helps reinforce the institution's identity and fosters brand recognition

Tell a tale

Finally, storytelling plays a crucial role in bringing the brand to life. Share compelling narratives that illustrate the cathedral’s rich history, spiritual significance, and community impact. Whether through testimonials, historical anecdotes, or multimedia presentations, storytelling humanizes the bra

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